Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Benefits of the Education are Depended on Size Classes Essay
The Benefits of the Education are Depended on Size Classes - Essay Example The all the more discovering that is taken on inside their step, the better they become. This is an indication of gaining some new useful knowledge regularly at an almost no cost which is even more welcome. Small size classes are esteemed as solid for any general public on the planet and there are no equals the extent that this comprehension is reached upon. The general public takes the advantages in such a circumstance and almost each and every individual who is a piece of it will profit in one manner or the other. At the point when one spotlights on how Japanese instructive framework functions, one marvels in the event that they follow a similar example. On a more intensive look, there is research that underpins the premise of huge size classes inside Japan which ought to talk what has been composed before regarding the inconveniences. However this isn't accurate in light of the fact that Japanese are known to be stronger as far as their instructive settings, which permits legitima te accentuation on training with respect to the understudies. The understudies are made to work in gatherings, which commits equivalent time and energies towards studies and along these lines nobody learns about left of the related condition. It makes their errands simpler and the learning is tremendous under such situations (Tire, 2011). When contrasted with Americans, Japanese are progressively engaged and include their own selves inside training so they can get the best outcomes out of what they have read for their drawn out progress. At long last, it is reasonable for express that both the STAR and SAGE investigations have represented various advantages for the understudies from a worldwide point of view. These advantages follow the proclamation of giving wellbeing and satisfaction to the general public all in all. The understudies have taken on the favorable circumstances which is really a valid statement whenever seen inside the... This paper endorses that the conversation fixates on the part of the general public, little size classes can bolster the poor understudies much better regarding their financial living. It permits them to take in more and addition help from the instructive spaces since significant expenses of living are coming to fruition with the progression of time. The additionally discovering that is taken on inside their step, the better they become. This is an indication of discovering some new information ordinarily at an almost no cost which is even more welcome. Small size classes are considered as solid for any general public on the planet and there are no equals the extent that this comprehension is reached upon. The general public takes the advantages in such a circumstance and almost each and every individual who is a piece of it will profit in one manner or the other This paper makes an end that it is reasonable for express that both the STAR and SAGE examinations have represented various advantages for the understudies from a worldwide viewpoint. These advantages follow the decree of giving wellbeing and joy to the general public all in all. The understudies have taken on the favorable circumstances which is really a valid statement whenever seen inside the right settings. Since the Japanese understudies are viewed as helping each other, this point has gotten considerably more grounded as far as its cooperation banter. These are a portion of the more significant subtleties that have come to fruition to the extent realizing how size classes have influenced the understudies in various pieces of the world. What is not yet clear is which model is being followed to realize success regarding training around the world.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Scanners Essay Example For Students
Scanners Essay Throughout the years the costs of scanners have dropped radically both in the home andoffice. With as meager as $89.00 dollars anyone can possess a scanner. Albeit a scanner that ispurchased for $89.00 might not have all the highlights or capacities that a $1000.00 scanner mayhave, for home use it will be more than adequate. Except if you are a visual craftsman or aphotographer who having the additional highlights and capacities, could decide getting your jobdone, a less expensive scanner will do fine and dandy. With a more affordable scanner you may just be capable toscan reports and photos, while with an increasingly costly scanner you will have the option to scantransparencies, 35 mm film and slides.(http://findarticles.com)Also with a progressively costly scanner the speed at which the scanner forms the scannedinformation is a lot quicker than that of a less economical scanner. At last it is up to you theconsumer to choose which scanner is best for you and how much cash you are w illing or capable toI visited a couple of sites and take a gander at a reasonable scanner contrasted with an expensiveAlthough this next scanner isn't your normal scanner I thought it was worth mentioningbecause it is new and very exceptional. The IS-22 Scanner (shading picture cartridge) is manufacturedby Canon. This scanner cartridge is presently valued at $90.77. It isn't your run of the mill scanner. At the point when you think about a scanner the run of the mill flatbed scanner or hand-held scanners is the thing that theconsumer considers in a scanner. This scanner cartridge works with a Canon BJC-4300 Seriesprinters. You will get a shading picture scanner cartridge which changes your printer into acolor sheetfed scanner. You can examine for the most part everything that a typical economical scanner willscan. It will examine in shading, high contrast photographs, magazine articles, records and the sky is the limit from there. Thisscanner cartridge will set aside you space and c ash. To work the scanner programming associatedwith the BJC-4300 Series printers is very straightforward. In the wake of stacking the scanner cartridge softwareyou are prepared to examine. You just put whatever records you need to examine in your printer andtell the checking programming what you need to filter. It is that straightforward. The UMAX PowerLook lll Professional Scanner is a flatbed scanner. The current pricefor this scanner is $1099.99, it is produced by UMAX Computer Corp. The nature of thisscanner is flawless. You will get extremely reasonable pictures from this scanner. Other than scanningdocuments and photos, it will likewise filter slides, transparencies, negatives, and reflectiveoriginals. You can likewise yield and output up to 12, 35mm slides. You can check 35 mm film and thelargest report you can filter is 8.5 x 11.7. It likewise catches fine subtleties in shadow regions. This sort of scanner works like a copymachine. You just spot whatever data you need to check onto the bed of the scanner,close the cover and decided to examine the picture. Similarly likewise with some other kind of scanner you can chooseto print, spare to record or circle, or both.(http://wwwjandr.com)With the two scanners you need to ensure that you load the filtering programming into yourhard drive. An exchange screen will sp ring up that will assist you with the establishment of the product. Your filtering hardware will accompany headings on the most proficient method to work your specific scanner. Step by step instructions to investigate. Numbers to call on the off chance that you should require specialized help. Book index:
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Fear of Intimacy Signs, Causes, and Coping Strategies
Fear of Intimacy Signs, Causes, and Coping Strategies Phobias Types Print Fear of Intimacy: Signs, Causes, and Coping Strategies By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 02, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on December 04, 2019 Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment In This Article Table of Contents Expand What Is Fear of Intimacy? Causes Risk Factors Signs and Manifestations Diagnosis Therapy Management and Coping Advice for Loved Ones View All Back To Top The fear of intimacy, also sometimes referred to as intimacy avoidance or avoidance anxiety, is characterized as the fear of sharing a close emotional or physical relationship. People who experience this fear do not usually wish to avoid intimacy, and may even long for closeness, but frequently push others away or even sabotage relationships. Fear of intimacy can stem from several causes, including certain childhood experiences such as a history of abuse?? or neglect, but many other experiences and factors may contribute to this fear as well. Overcoming this can take time, both to explore and understand the contributing issues, and to practice allowing greater vulnerability. 1:50 Questions and Tips For Building Intimacy In Your Relationship What Is Fear of Intimacy? Intimacy refers to the ability to genuinely share your true self with another person and relates to the experience of closeness and connection. Some define different types of intimacy, and the fear of it may involve one or more of them to different degrees. Examples include: Intellectual: The ability to share your thoughts and ideas with anotherEmotional: The ability to share your innermost feelings with anotherSexual: The ability to share yourself sexuallyExperiential: The ability to share experiences with another The fear of intimacy is separate from the fear of vulnerability, though the two can be closely intertwined. A person who is living with a fear of intimacy may be comfortable becoming vulnerable and showing their true self to the world at first, or at least to trusted friends and relatives. The problem often begins when a person with fear finds those relationships becoming too close or intimate. Causes Fears of abandonment and engulfmentâ"and, ultimately, a fear of lossâ"is at the heart of a fear of intimacy for many people, and these two fears may often coexist. Although the fears are dramatically different from one another, both cause behaviors that alternately pull the partner in and then push him or her away again. These fears are generally rooted in past childhood experiences and triggered by the here-and-now of adult relationships, leading to confusion if a person focuses on examining the relationship solely based on present-day circumstances. Fear of Abandonment Those who are afraid of abandonment worry that their partner will leave. This often results from the experience of a parent or other important adult figure abandoning the person emotionally or physically as a young child.?? Fear of Engulfment Those who have a fear of engulfment are afraid of being controlled, dominated, or losing themselves in a relationship, and this sometimes stems from growing up in an enmeshed family. Social Phobia/Anxiety Disorder The fear of intimacy may occur as part of a social phobia/social anxiety disorder, and some experts classify the fear of intimacy as a subset of these conditions.?? People who are afraid of others judgment, evaluation, or rejection are naturally more likely to shy away from making intimate, personal connections. In addition, some specific phobias, such as the fear of touch, may occur as part of the fear of intimacy. Other people, however, may be comfortable in loose social situations, numbering their acquaintances and social media friends in the hundreds, but have no deeply personal relationships at all. In fact, the fear of intimacy can be harder to detect as people hide behind their phones and social media. Risk Factors Risk factors for a fear of intimacy often stem back to childhood and the inability to securely trust parental figures, which leads to attachment issues. Experiences that may cause this include: Verbal abusePhysical abuseSexual abusePhysical neglectEmotional neglect: Parents who are physically but not emotionally available send the message to children that they cant be relied on.??Loss of a parent through death, divorce, or imprisonmentParental illness: Illness in a parent can result in a feeling of not being able to rely on anyone but oneself, especially when it involves role reversal or the need to play parent and care for other siblings at a young age.Parental mental illness: An example is a parent who has a narcissistic personality disorder.Parental substance abuseEnmeshed families: While enmeshed families may, on the surface, appear to be loving and supportive, boundaries and roles might be blurred and lead to issues with attachment, independence, and intimacy.?? A fear of intimacy is more common in people who are taught not to trust strangers, in those who have a history of depression, and in those who have experienced rape. Traumatic interactions in relationships outside the nuclear family, such as with a teacher, another relative, or a peer who is a bully, may also contribute. In addition, the experiences of relationships during adolescence and adulthood can continue to influence ones openness to intimacy. Signs and Manifestations The fear of intimacy can play out in a number of different ways in any type of relationship, whether romantic, platonic, or familial. Its important to note that the manifestations of an underlying fear of intimacy can often be interpreted as the opposite of what the person is trying to achieve in terms of connection. For instance, a person may strongly desire close relationships, but their fear prompts them to do things that cause problems forming and sustaining them. Ironically, relationship-sabotaging actions are usually most pronounced when the relationship in question is one that the person particularly values. For those who have been involved with a person living with a fear of intimacy, this is particularly important to understand. The fear does not usually cause major difficulties unless a person truly longs for closeness. Some specific behaviors that are commonly seen include: Serial Dating and Fear of Commitment A person who has a fear of intimacy is often able to interact with another, at least initially. Its when the relationship grows closerâ"when the value of the relationship growsâ"that things begin to fall apart. Instead of connecting on an intimate level, the relationship is ended in some way, and replaced by yet another, more superficial relationship. The pattern that emerges is many short-term relationships. There are a number of reasons why a person may appear to have a commitment phobia or be accused of being a serial dater; fear of intimacy may be one. Perfectionism The underlying fear of intimacy often lies a feeling that a person does not deserve to be loved and supported. This leads to the need to be perfect to prove oneself lovable. Whether it takes the form of being a workaholic or other manifestations of perfectionism, the fear often works to push others away rather than draw them near. Difficulty Expressing Needs A person with a fear of intimacy may have great difficulty expressing needs and wishes. Again, this may stem from feeling undeserving of anothers support. Since partners are unable to mind read, those needs go unfulfilled, essentially confirming the persons feelings that he or she is unworthy. This can translate into a vicious circle, one in which the lack of a partner understanding unexpressed needs leads to a further lack of trust in the relationship. Sabotaging Relationships People who have a fear of intimacy may sabotage their relationship in many ways.?? This may take the form of nitpicking and be very critical of a partner. It may also take the form of making themselves unlovable in some way, acting suspicious, and accusing a partner of something that hasnt actually occurred. Difficulties With Physical Contact A fear of intimacy can lead to extremes when it comes to physical contact. On one side, a person may avoid physical contact completely. On the other, he or she may seem to have a constant need for physical contact. Diagnosis There is a spectrum when it comes to fear of intimacy, with some people having only mild traits and others unable to form any close relationships at all. Psychometric testing can help a psychologist or therapist better define where a person lies on the spectrum and also evaluate for other mental health conditions. The Fear of Intimacy Scale is one measurement that can help objectively assess the condition. Therapy Professional guidance is often required, especially if the fear of intimacy is rooted in complicated past events. Choose your therapist carefully, as therapeutic rapport, mutual respect, and trust are essential to the work of healing. You may find that you need to try several therapists before you find a match. Your therapist can help you come to terms with any past or present events that are clouding the situation and help you design a series of small steps to gradually work through your fear. Many people who have a fear of intimacy also experience problems with depression, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders that also need to be addressed. A therapist can assist with these individual concerns as well. Management and Coping Whether you consult with a therapist or not, there is some work that must be done in order to conquer a fear of intimacy that only you can do. This largely comes down to facing and challenging negative attitudes about ones self, which is critical if lasting change is to take place. This can take time, a willingness to accept uncertainty, and the effort to review your life to discover how and why you developed this fear. Willingness to Accept Uncertainty Those who fear intimacy ultimately fear the consequences of a relationship that turns sour. Its important to embrace the fact that there are no guarantees in life or in human relationships. Every connection with another person is ultimately a gamble. Despite that, social relationships are a basic driving goal of human existence. Practicing courage can make a difference, and its been found that developing positive relationship experiences can decrease fear. A caveat is that its important to do this with someone who you believe you can trust. Try to focus more on living day to day, rather than focusing on (or needing) a particular outcome. Self-Compassion In order to successfully battle the fear of intimacy, you must first be comfortable in yourself. If you truly know and accept your own value and worth as a person, then you know that rejection is not as crushing as it may seem. You will be able to set appropriate boundaries to avoid engulfment and cope with abandonment if it comes along. Practicing self-compassion may sound easy to some, but for others, its not always intuitive. There are several excellent books and workbooks available that may be helpful if youre not certain where to begin. Look at Your Past Most of us dont want to think negatively about a parent but try to honestly evaluate your childhood relationships in an effort to zero in on possible contributions to your fear of intimacy. Think about the messages you received in your family and compare these with the messages you should have received. If you had a neglectful, abusive, or engulfing parent, understanding that those are not the only models of relationships may help you realize what might be possible in terms of intimacy. Tune Into Your Inner Dialogue The inner dialogue that leads to the manifestations of a fear of intimacy is often deep-seated, and after living a lifetime as your own inner critic, it may seem normal to you. Rather than accepting that critic, try to catch yourself casting judgments on yourself. Look to see where they are coming from and challenge and correct them when you can. Look at Your Goals What do you really want in life? Do you want a long-term intimate relationship? If so, how have you pushed people away in the past? Take time to review what your wishes and goals were and are and how your actions either help or hinder them. Give Yourself Time Overcoming a fear of intimacy doesnt happen overnight. Even when you feel like you have gained ground, you will inevitably have setbacks. Grant yourself forgiveness when this happens and speak kindly to your inner self. Try not to view your fear as a character flaw, but simply something that likely stems from your distant past that you can work through in order to have a better future. Research has also shown that positive relationship experiences can be beneficial for those who have issues with intimacy.?? Having such positive experiences may improve your ability to form intimacy over time. Advice for Loved Ones If it is your loved one who is coping with a fear of intimacy, you will need to practice patience. Setbacks are perfectly normal and to be expected. Establishing safety is of utmost importance so that your loved one can begin to open up. Try to not react personally or with anger if your loved one tries to push you away. Recognize that she is not rejecting you, but instead fears that you will reject her. Keep her fear of abandonment, rejection, or engulfment in mind as you think about her words and behaviors. She may interpret an action in a completely different way than you would be given her upbringing. For example, if she is coping with a fear of engulfment due to growing up in an enmeshed family, surprising her by saying we are going on a trip may not be a loving and pleasant surprise at all, and may reinforce her fear of being controlled. Instead, providing her clear choices and making sure she is involved in all decisions might be interpreted as more loving. Regular reminders of your love, both in words and in actions, are important. Dont assume she feels loved. Rather, create an environment that supports the fact that shes deserving of it. Most importantly, let him or her know that getting past the fear is a team effort. While you are likely curious, its not important for you to understand how this all started. Instead, what your loved one needs is support and a willingness to listen when she is ready to share. Finally, keep in mind that fear of intimacy usually rears its head in relationships that a person cherishesâ"not those that are superficial. Its also usually triggered by positive emotions instead of negative ones. A Word From Verywell Actions rooted in a fear of intimacy only perpetuate the concern. With effort, and especially with a good therapist, however, many people have overcome the fear and developed the understanding and tools needed to create long-term intimate relationships.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Taming Of The Shrew And 10 Thing I Hate About You
Money isnââ¬â¢t the only thing that is valuable in this world. Although in many film texts this is not the case. Particularly in ââ¬Å"Taming of the Shrewâ⬠and ââ¬Å"10 Thing I Hate About Youâ⬠because in both of the films, the main male characters Patrick and Petruchio are predominantly motivated by money. However, they ended up falling for Kat and Katharina who have been set up as the archetypal shrews in both films. During the Elizabethan era money was a major factor that influenced societyââ¬â¢s view of your personal wealth. this is clearly reflected in the 1967 film text but is not evident in the 1998 version due to changing ideologies. Subsequently,I believe that the ââ¬Å"Taming of the Shrewâ⬠is more an exercise in misogyny whereas ââ¬Å"10 Things I hate About Youâ⬠is more of a love story about a man liberating a woman, who may be seen as her equal, and who is as cunning as he is. In both films money is considered a valuable asset depending on how it was used. For example in ââ¬Å"Taming of the Shrewâ⬠,Petruchio marries Katharina for her money and in ââ¬Å"10 things I hate About Youâ⬠, Patrick only runs after Kat because he knows that he is being paid to do it. This is clearly shown when Patrick states ââ¬Å"Some cretin paid me to take out this really great girlâ⬠. In ââ¬Å"The Taming of the Shrewâ⬠, money is considered to be the main concept of society meaning that no one would care about an individual if they were not wealthy whereas in ââ¬Å"10 Things I Hate About Youâ⬠it shows that most of the people who go to PaduaShow MoreRelatedTaming of the Shrew/ 10 Things I Hate About You1584 Words à |à 7 PagesThe story of The Taming of the Shrew is one that raises important issues both in the Shakespearean text and in the modern appropriation 10 Things I Hate About You. How does each composers use of this story reflect the time in which each was composed The Taming of the Shrew was written in the Elizabethan Era in England at a time when men were considered to be superior to women. The patriarchal society of this time is reflected to a large extent in the text and various implications of traditionalRead More10 Things I Hate about You and The Taming of the Shrew1171 Words à |à 5 Pagesfilm ââ¬Å"10 Things I Hate About Youâ⬠is based loosely on William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s 15th century play ââ¬Å"The Taming of the Shrewâ⬠. The misogynistic play tells the story of how Petrucio essentially torments his headstrong wife, Katharina (also called ââ¬Å"Katherineâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Kateâ⬠) until she ââ¬Å"becomes a compliant and obedient brideâ⬠(wikipedia). The story simultaneously follows the story of many suitors competing for the love of Katharinaââ¬â¢s sister, Bianca (Wikipedia). The film adaptation, ââ¬Å"10 Things I Hate About Youâ⬠Read MoreTaming Of The Shrew And 10 Things I Hate About You Analysis139 0 Words à |à 6 PagesShakespeareââ¬â¢s Taming of the Shrew as well as its adaptation 10 Things I Hate About You by Gil Junger, represent their respective ideas on love which shares its similarities and differences, both portraying love in their own forms. Both texts highlight the ideals of love in their context as well as one of the main courtships, Katharina and Petruchio, involved in love, portraying their values of love. The transformation of love within context shapes Katharinaââ¬â¢s personality in Taming of the Shrew. Kateââ¬â¢sRead More10 Things I Hate About You Taming of the Shrew: Appropriation1376 Words à |à 6 Pages10 Things I Hate About You The Taming of the Shrew The historical and cultural contexts of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s The Taming of the Shrew (TTS) and the 1999 film 10 Things I Hate About You (10TIH) differ exceptionally, resulting in the filmââ¬â¢s expression of values unlike those expressed in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s original text. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play was written during the Elizabethan era, during which the belief that men were superior to women was prevalent. This concept is centralised in TTS, through incorporationRead MoreThe Power of Love in 10 Things I Hate About You and Taming of the Shrew1491 Words à |à 6 Pagesin 10 Things I Hate About You and Taming of the Shrew The Power of Love is portrayed in various themes throughout both. Some of which depict superficial love, motivation by money and love-at-first-sight. These ideas can be contrasted and compared between the 1500 Elizabethan time of Shakespeares play The Taming of the Shrew and the present contemporary period of teenage movie 10 Thing I Hate About You. Read MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew And 10 Things I Hate About You Directed By Gil Junger1365 Words à |à 6 Pageseveryone in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s audience.â⬠ââ¬â Dorothea Kehler Detecting intertextual relationships between The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare and 10 Things I Hate About You directed by Gil Junger has enriched my understanding of feminism in the American society. The Taming of The Shrew, written in 1593, challenges cultural expectations of womenââ¬â¢s rights at that time. 10 Things I Hate About You however, was produced to fit the context of 1990ââ¬â¢s America. A period when a great deal of anxiety wasRead MoreTaming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare And 10 Things I Hate About You By Gil Junger1365 Words à |à 6 PagesCultural Change Around The World, 2003) Detecting the intertextual relationship between Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare and 10 Things I Hate About You by Gil Junger, has greatly enhanced and enriched my understanding of love and gender and itââ¬â¢s varying ideals throughout the centuries. Taming of the Shrew depicts the quintessential features of a 16th century marriage, whilst 10 Things I Hate About You, its 21st century counterpart, has been rebooted to match the modern cultural expectationsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Shrew1180 Words à |à 5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare s ââ¬ËThe Taming of the Shrewââ¬â¢ is a controversial comedy that has more than 1 interpretation. The 2 prominent interpretations is that it a misogynistic play or that it is a love story about a man liberating a woman. This play has been adapted into any movies the 2 that were studied were ââ¬ËThe Taming of the Shrewââ¬â¢, produced in 1967 and ââ¬Ë10 Things I Hate About Youââ¬â¢, made in 1999. Upon view ing these 2 movies I found that ââ¬ËThe Taming of the Shrewââ¬â¢ had a great deal of misogyny throughoutRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew1180 Words à |à 5 PagesDuring the 1600s, William Shakespeare wrote the play The Taming of the Shrew. This play has been well-known throughout the ages. The play has been adapted into film and the two most popular version of it are The Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You. The movie The Taming of the Shrew was released in 1967, while the newer version came out as, 10 Things I Hate About You which was released in 1999. Even though these two variations are based off the same play they have many similaritiesRead MoreAnalysis Of Taming Of The Shrew 908 Words à |à 4 PagesTaming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare, the indication of a woman being the possession of her husband, and having to do everything that he proposes her to do is presented. Katherine has to acquire appropriate manners toward a man in advance before her sist er Bianca can wed. Bianca wishes to marry one of her suitors/bachelors, but she canââ¬â¢t due to tradition because the older sister has to marry first. In 10 Things I Hate About You, a analogous argument, the notion of a girl requiring appropriate
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Henry David Thoreau Resistance To Civil Disobedience Analysis
During the era of the civil disobedience, individuals took stand and fight for their rights. the government took actions that violated the rights of others or took restrictions that angered residence. Resistance to civil government by Henry David Thoreau is an essay written about his opinion on opposing the government that was taking control of peopleââ¬â¢s rights, motivating his disagreement of slavery and the Mexican-American war. Mahatma Gandhi, a leader who fought for the Indians independent movement against British. Lastly but not least, Martin Luther King Jr., the leader of the civil rights movement. Within the tree leaders, Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. their connections were all together based onâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Civil disobedience took event is various time in history. Leaders who took stand in the events intended to use non-violence acts. Those believed that non-violence was the best way to successful and peaceful protest, that can lead to great change. Henry David Thoreau was the first man to encourage individuals to act through civil disobedience. Although his intentions were to make a change during is era and stop the war, he was unable to stop the war. However, Henryââ¬â¢s words later encouraged Gandhi who also gave influence on Martin Luther King Jr. Henry David Thoreau shared his views, beliefs, and disagreements through his writing. Henry David Thoreau created the idea of civil disobedience, when his text was published in 1849. Resistance to Civil Government (Civil Disobedience) is an essay written based on his disprovalââ¬â¢s and arguments about mistreatment from the government. Within Henry David Thoreau essay, he points out his views on how he sees people getting treated for being different. Henry David Thoreau believed that people should fight for their rights like everyone other citizens has. Henry David Thoreau illustrates in his essay, ââ¬Å"But a government in which the majority rule in all cases cannot be based on justice, even as far as men understand itâ⬠. Henry David Thoreau sees and knows that the government has no justice towards the people, those who get their rights see it asShow MoreRelatedEssay about Henry David Thoreaus Enlightenment and Ideas 1355 Words à |à 6 Pages Civil Disobedience is one of Henry David Thoreaus most famous essays. One of the major problems most critics see with this essay deals with Thoreaus seemingly contradictory statements about society from the beginning to the end. Barry Wood, a well-known critical writer, attributes this change in beliefs to the enlightenment of Thoreau in jail. While I agree with Wood that Thoreau does achieve a form of enlightenment, I will show that Thoreaus views regarding the society he lived in neverRead MoreHenry David Thoreau: The Grat Transcendentalist Essay1932 Words à |à 8 PagesHenry David Thoreau along with a select group of people propelled the short movement of transcendentalism during the 1830s to the 1850s and was later brought up during the Vietnam War. Many of the transcendentalist ideas came from student who attended Harvard University during this time period. Henry David Thoreauââ¬â¢s individualistic anarchist views on society were developed throughout his early life and later refined in his years of solitude; these views on society and government are directly expressedRead MoreTranscendentalism : The And The Movement1027 Words à |à 5 Pagesa reaction against the general sta te of intellectualism. During what years did the movement occur? The Transcendentalist movement occurred during the 1820s, and 1830s. List 5 major authors associated with the movement Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Explain what Transcendentalist believed about each of the following topics: Human Nature They were to live independently, all you need is your mind, knowledge is born with. They also believed that an institutionRead MoreNonviolent Resistance And Nonviolent Action2197 Words à |à 9 Pagesrevolutions such as the Civil Rights Movement, Apartheid, and the Dandi Satyagraha (The Salt March) employed a variety of nonviolent tactics that amassed many supporters and ultimately achieved their goals. Thus, it is logical enough to say that nonviolent resistance is effective and has the ability to force a social change. In fact, nonviolent action is a far better method for social change than violent works. To begin with, Gene Sharp, an expert on Peace Studies and Nonviolent Resistance, defines nonviolentRead MoreHenry David Thoreau4404 Words à |à 18 PagesHenry David Thoreau INTRODUCTION Henry David Thoreau was an American author, poet, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian , philosopher andtranscendentalist. Henry David Thoreau was a complex man of many talents who worked hard to shape his craft and his life. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay, Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moralRead MoreYour Freedom Is Not Free Essay1645 Words à |à 7 Pageswhatever shackles limited them from reaching their potentials, both literally and figuratively. Henry David Thoreau, Fredrick Douglass, and Ralph Waldo Emerson are exemplary writers of the nineteenth century who strove to articulate not only the ideas of freedom and justice, but also the means by which these ideals, which they themselves acted upon, might be realized. Thoreaus Walden and Resistance to Civil Government, Douglasss Narrative, and Emersons The Am erican Scholar are reflectiveRead MorePatriotism and People Who Commit Acts of Civil Disobedience Essay2107 Words à |à 9 Pages The attribution of patriotism to people who commit acts of civil disobedience is lawful and just, because civil disobedience, or dissent are a vital part of a liberal democracy, and a free nation of rights. Definition of Civil Disobedience Taking the two components of the term separately, ââ¬Ëcivilââ¬â¢ refers to matters involving the populace or citizens while ââ¬Ëdisobedienceââ¬â¢ refers to breaches of the law (Brownlee). This brief analysis hardly does the term justice, however, for its political, individualRead MoreTranscendentalism in Civil Disobedience3710 Words à |à 15 PagesRe(dis)covering America: Emerson, Thoreau, and American Democracy 10 April 2012 Transcendentalism in Civil Disobedience Thoreaus Politics of Individuality and Nature Dannheisig 2 Contents Introduction 1. Transcendentalism a. Nature b. Introspective Conscience and Politics 2. Political Individualism a. Ethical and Political (In)justice b. Critique of Democracy Conclusion Bibliography 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dannheisig 3 Introduction Henry David Thoreau was part of a movement calledRead MoreNSA and Edward Snowden Essay examples1326 Words à |à 6 Pagesterrorist attacks, but does this justify the NSAââ¬â¢s chosen use of power? Since Snowdenââ¬â¢s revelations, it has become evident that the NSA consistently uses their surveillance abilities to unjustified ends. One function of the NSAââ¬â¢s electronic data analysis is to find targets for the militaryââ¬â¢s Joint Special Operations Command to strike with lethal drone attacks. Many innocent civilians in middle-eastern countries have lost their lives as a result of this military sectââ¬â¢s reliance on the NSAââ¬â¢s data
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
About Some Of Materials And Others Architecture Essay Free Essays
It is photo flawlessness for life already available in the market. In fact, the university where I graduated had this in there office. It is attractively functional which gives more value and exceeding printouts. We will write a custom essay sample on About Some Of Materials And Others Architecture Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now You will want more to this because it has arresting 4800 dpi exposures with 2-pl ink droplets. It has crisp black text with superior pigment ink. Elegant arc-line design tantrums in anyplace and all right print caput engineering for high printing velocity is merely things you could detect. It has long permanent exposures with Chroma Life 100. They have redefined the rudimentss like neââ¬â¢er earlier. More choice print, more value, plus more manner with the iP1880 inkjet pressman. Form its well-defined arc-line design to its mirror-finish surface ; every item of the PIXMA iP1880 exudes beauty. Which makes looking at it every bit enjoyable as publishing the most superb paperss and images from it. With the most desirable facet about it is its practical cost- of ownership and with the new more low-cost PG-830 A ; CL-831 bundled inks, publishing more is now pure pleasance with the PIXMA iP1880. Sony DSC-G1: the WIFI Cam This is a reappraisal of digital camera, which was brought by my friend. He proudly told us that the unit is alone because it could be connected to any Wi-Fi zone. I said great, it is rather cool. I thought every camera characteristic has already been thought of, but I was incorrectly. This being the radio connectivity epoch, digital cameras should besides be wireless. Enter the Sony 6.0 megapixel Cybershop DSC-G1, which fits 600 exposure in its high-end capacity. It besides has 2 GB internal memory ââ¬â so no demand for MCs. The company created it with a ace steady shooting and ISO 1000 high sensitiveness to avoid fuzzs on your smilings. The high spot, of class, is its capableness to direct exposures wirelessly to other Digital Living Network Alliance-enabled devices. It is already available in the market since 2008. IPhone: my personal reappraisal There are grounds I want to portion why I am non purchasing the iPhone merchandises. Yes, I drooled over Apple ââ¬Ës entry into the nomadic market, thanks to Steve Jobs ââ¬Ë usual selling thaumaturgy. After some consideration and reviews I browsed in the cyberspace, I decided the quad-band smartphone is non for me. There is nil new in iPhone. The vaunted multi-touch interface is something I do non necessitate. Even apple ââ¬Ës industrial design squad does non acquire everything right the first attempt. Just ask Mr. MacBook. Real keys are better than practical 1s. If you need to come in text rapidly, touch-sensitive buttons are non recommended. Large screen means large exposure. I like maintaining my appliance in my pockets, along with keys, coins and my bravo ââ¬Ës knife. The iPhone ââ¬Ës large show means there is a large opportunity it will endure large harm. There is no support for 3rd party apps. Steve Jobs says, ââ¬Å" It is to maintain people from put ining package that can convey down cell webs â⬠. I say it limits the appliance ââ¬Ës versatility. Last, it has losing memory card slot. Hmmm. 8GB is a batch, but non if you want to convey around all your music. Apple ââ¬Ës borders have ever been immense, and the iPhone is no exclusion. Ford Ranger ; a cool public-service corporation Trucks used to be, well ââ¬â merely trucks. Not any longer! The new trucks offered by auto makers the past old ages have changed the image of ââ¬ËUtes ( slang for public-service corporation ) , and with that, those who drive them. Welcome the new coevalss of public-service corporation vehicles-trucks you will non mind being seen anyplace even in rural countries in the Philippines. While Mitsubishi took its Strada for a entire aesthetic inspection and repair, doing it prettier, Ford introduced the new Ranger in 2006 with decorative ascents that made it look even more butch and tough. Revised bumpers, a new grill, wing flairs, and fog lamps stand out in the ascent, giving the Texas Ranger a more aggressive facia reminiscent of its bigger and tougher sibling, the F150. A no-frills inside remind you that the Ranger is first and foremost, a public-service corporation vehicle, with merely an ascent on the guidance wheel, gage bunch and stereo that intimations at modernness. The drive, thrust and feel of the 2007 Ranger cement its repute as a true workhorse on wheels. Elude engine and unsmooth drive remind you repeatedly that this is non a truck feigning to be a auto, and is proud to be what it is. It can tow more than 5,500 lbs and is, literally, good for the long draw. It may non be your first pick of drive if you are be aftering to take your long-time crush out on a first day of the month, but it is decidedly, the truck you will desire to drive for a weekend. A Holiday to Taal Vista Hotel I could give at least four grounds that I could travel back to Taal Vista Hotel with my good friends. First, it is the position of nature and the Taal vent. You can commune with the nature and breathe easy by hanging out for hours at the position deck. The hotel now boasts of being one of the state ââ¬Ës most outstanding hotels frequented by Filipinos and aliens. With its munificent characteristics, service-oriented staff, and a beautiful position, what more can guests ask for. Second, it has green environing. Childs and kids-at-heart can lounge on the grass and play for merriment. My two nephews truly enjoyed their twenty-four hours. You are free, you can bask sauntering around, and you can run into new friends. Third, they call it Wi-Fi by the lake. It would be nice to sip hot cocoa and web log about the lovely position while waiting for the sundown. Wi-Fi at the Taal Vista Hotel was established in December 2006. Now, vacationists can bask Wi-Fi anyplace in the hotel, even in the comfort of their ain suites. Last, it is the nutrient that I liked and enjoyed. The cocoa eruption bar is more than plenty of a ground to do me leap into my auto and nothing to Tagaytay. I have to seek the house fortes from the a La menu bill of fare. I got the Crispy Tawalis ââ¬â native fish found in Taal ââ¬â served on a bed of Crispy noodle strips. I vastly enjoyed its brawny helping, crispy texture, and tasty soy-chili sauce. There is one thing I will neââ¬â¢er bury from that trip. The grass by the position deck was so inviting I really rolled around and put on the grass. I was in my ain merriment land, and no digital camera can capture the perfect smiling on my face. Asustek P735 At first glimpse, the P735 looks like a thenar device, but the similarity ends at that place. This 3G-enabled PDA phone self-praises of its sole ASUS package. One such package allows the user to command PowerPoint presentations on a laptop via Bluetooth. Not to be left out are the imaging maps, which include a 2-megapixel camera and a secondary 1 for picture naming. This babe runs on Windowss Mobile, which besides allows users to redact Word and Excel paperss on the spell. LG Prada KE850 LG ââ¬Ës KE850 tries to take a page out of Apple ââ¬Ës book. Sporting minimum buttons in the forepart similar to the iPhone, the LG KE850 makes usage of a touch screen for assorted maps. With GPRS, Bluetooth, and WAP-enabled, it boasts of a constitutional wireless, PIM functionality, and a 2-megapixel camera at the dorsum. Though its characteristics resemble that of the typical PDA, it is still really different from the iPhone. However, if you want to add bling to your aggregation of devices, the Prada KE850 is more than a worthy campaigner. BlackBerry Pearl BlackBerry devices in our state, Philippines, are limited. They are normally the little, broad, QWERTY-enabled monochrome appliances for bourgeoiss. BlackBerry ups its offering with its latest babe, the Pearl. The BlackBerry Pearl ââ¬Ës design is rather similar to today ââ¬Ës smartphones. It is equipped with 1.3 megapixel camera and is EDGE-enabled. Data entry and pilotage, nevertheless, are limited to the keyboard and the pearl trackball. Oakley Thump 2 It is a brace of dark glassess with a constitutional digital music participant. Those are the basics-the border here is Oakley makes it. It is pricey from the beginning, nut has unparalleled optics right out of the box ; that has neââ¬â¢er been a inquiry. It barely gets better than Oakley does. The existent inquiry is here: Does Oakley, the dark glassess company, has anything to oppose against Apple, the iPod company, in the DM sphere. In add-on, would a combo sunglass-digital music participant have any opportunity against 100s of options available out at that place? In add-on, what are those monetary values? About its optics, the glass is unimpeachable. When you put the dark glassess on, it is obvious why it costs much more than its brethren do. The design is cool and trendy, which might give it jobs someplace down the route when manner winds blow in a different way. About its sound, it is your basic participant ââ¬â with a robust, full sound, and great treble-could bash with a spot more bass, but it is non moth-eaten. Personally, I find the upper volume bounds excessively low for my ears. I loaded up Chris Daughtry ââ¬Ës introduction album and found it strange that the first path crackled in the ear buds, while the other cuts sounded great. I determined it must be the encryption, non the cogwheel. Make cods D810: travel with manner You should neââ¬â¢er acquire lost with this Do cod. The Do cod D810 is truly a spectator even for a non-PDA phone user. Its elegant, glistening outside is made of an acrylic bed, and non of plastic, as I thought. This fashionable PDA phone comes in two colourss, polished Black and Immaculate white. The Do pod D810 ââ¬Ës expression does non take away from its characteristics: it packs many power characteristics, giving other PDA phones a tally for their money. Triping applications was ever a catch, and the picture I have watched played swimmingly with the D810 ââ¬Ës Windowss media participant. It comes with nomadic version of MS word, excel, and PowerPoint. Battery life averaged at least a twenty-four hours and a half to two yearss. If the unit runs out of battery, the information in my D810 will non be erased, thanks to Windowss mobile 5 ââ¬Ës relentless storage memory. The Do cod D810 is lightweight and can easy be placed inside your bloomerss pocket. Users who want to compose SMS in the conventional manner may make so by utilizing Do cod ââ¬Ës constitutional practical phone tablet. Make pod late released an update to trip the GPS bit of D810. Once activated, the bit can suit third-party GPS apps on the D810 to let screening of maps. The bottom line is that the Do cod D810 is a must-have { DA phone for people going a batch, whether for concern or leisure. You will neââ¬â¢er acquire lost with its constitutional GPS. Just do non lose the D810 Olympus mju 725SW: any season shot, anyplace! A camera you would non go forth buttocks. Built with metal organic structures, mju cameras are every bit tough as some of the low-cost SLR organic structures do today. The first digital mju theoretical accounts, with the line ââ¬Ës repute for quality and stamina, were a sight for picture taking partisans. The Olympus mju 725SW is no exclusion. A three x optical rapid climb lens paired with a 7.1 megapixel CCD detector is used for the imaging maps of this camera. Using folded optics engineering, the lens does non widen or abjure upon concentrating and whizzing. This makes the mju 725SW really compact. A bright 2.5-inch screen is used for the rear show. With Olympus ââ¬Ës bright gaining control engineering, the camera ââ¬Ës public presentation in low visible radiation is enhanced. This invention is used to take good images underwater, efficaciously hiking sensitiveness and the show ââ¬Ës brightness. The folded optics design requires that the lens be placed off-center to maximise infinite without increasing majority. However, your left manus may sometimes barricade the lens if you are non excessively careful. The bottom line is that with its compact bundle that can defy whipping and the elements, what has non to love about the Olympus mju 725SW? I could merely conceive of the originative possibilities with such alone characteristics. Samsung CLP-300 Color Laser Printer: the universe ââ¬Ës smallest colour optical maser pressman. When we have our ââ¬Å" suislide â⬠and ââ¬Å" dip â⬠escapades at Danao, Bohol, Philippines, we instantly have our images taken by the forces in that country. We merely paid PhP50 for the immediate image we had. I was really astonied. I asked the adult female who is in-charge about the name of the pressman. It is Samsung CLP-300 Color Laser Printer. Experience twice the power in half the size with Samsung ââ¬Ës CLP-300. The universe ââ¬Ës smallest and lightest colour optical maser pressman weighs merely 13.6 kilograms and covers an country merely every bit little as an unfastened magazine. Designed to dispute the place and little office market ââ¬Ës colour inkjet monopoly, the Samsung CLP-300 series provides a compact and low-cost option to monochrome optical maser pressmans and colour inkjets, offering matchless lucidity and print quality with a 2400 ten 600 dpi declaration. The pressman boasts a print velocity of four pages per minute ( ppm ) for colour printing and a solid 16 ppm for black and white printing, while keeping ultra-quiet printing with Samsung ââ¬Ës patented Non-orbiting Noiseless Optics Imaging System ( NO-NOIS ) engineering. With this engineering, the Samsung CLP-300 operates at a lower noise degree than any standard multi-pass pressman. Its advanced and convenient bottle-shape toners besides provide hassle-free toner alterations. To the Filipino young person I took a quotation mark from Jose Rizal ââ¬Ës verse form, A LA Juventud Filipina ( To the Filipino Youth ) ââ¬â in which Jose Rizal said that the young person is the hope of the fatherland. That celebrated line is still mere words, largely used during addresss but seldom being realized. It is during elections that the celebrated lines are being overused, trusting to lure immature electors, to animate and to give them hope. In add-on, it is during this clip that the being of the other causes person ââ¬Ës non-existence merely because they want power. The thought of ABS-CBN ââ¬Ës Boto Mo Ipatrol Mo is simple: to maintain Filipinos vigilant, to acquire the people to care and to take action. It gives Filipinos a opportunity to talk up and eschew the possibility of bloodshed. However, it was a smack on the brow when the chance to be a portion of the Boto Mo Ipatrol Mo: Ako Ang Simula came here in our state and got merely small support from a certain school. It was non merely a smack. It was an earth-shaking smack. I could number the figure of participant who attended the assemblage and forums. That was a sad thing. It was rather a shame in that peculiar school. However, I would non nail everyone who was non at that place. The deficiency of engagement from the pupils and the people was likely due to inefficient airing of the information. It could hold been better if categories were suspended in order to let pupils to take part the said activity without worrying the categories. However, I could non agitate off what is obvious, that is apathy. Majority of the young person, largely pupils, merely travel in and out. They neââ¬â¢er take clip to halt, read, and listen. In add-on, it reflects the immature people of our society. Majority of the young person today base on balls by at the deafening sound of unfairness and the call for freedom and alteration, with earpieces plugged in. merely few are able to stand and talk up. Merely few would draw off their earpieces and listen to the calls they ever hear but neââ¬â¢er cared to listen. Let us all be hearers. Let us all be argus-eyed. Let us all maintain our values intact, be responsible and be the young person in Rizal ââ¬Ës A La Juventud Filipina. Let us be the alteration we want to see. Know your Philippine presidential and frailty presidential campaigners. Here are some of the presidential campaigners: Gilbert Eduardo Gerardo ââ¬Å" Gibo â⬠Cojuangco Teodoro Jr. He is a attorney, politician, and a former president of the Lakas-Kampi-CMD party. Aside from forcing for reforms, he besides called for more financess for the armed forces ââ¬Ës modernisation plan. His running mate is Edu Manzano, a Television personality. Joseph Ejercito Estrada. He is an histrion, politician, and the former president. He banners the Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Laban Party ( PDP-LABAN ) . His disposal marked the meteorologic rise of concern barons and intensifying insurgence in Mindanao. Estrada ââ¬Ës running mate is Jejomar ââ¬Å" Jojo â⬠Cabauatan Binay, the incumbent city manager of Makati metropolis. Jojo has this passion for the protection of the human rights as seen by his Acts of the Apostless of giving free legal aid to hapless clients and victims of human rights maltreatments during the Marcus government. Manuel ââ¬Å" Manny â⬠Bamba Villar Jr. He is a bourgeois and politician. He is the president of the Nacionalista Party. He organized the ââ¬Å" adult male on wheels â⬠plan, a support preparation school housed in a new wave that makes unit of ammunitions in down countries. He besides authored the New Magna Carta for Small and Medium Enterprises ( RA 6289 ) . Villar ââ¬Ës running mate is Lorna Regina Bautista Lagarda. She authored Torahs that protect the rights of adult females, young person and kids. Benigno Simeon ââ¬Å" Noynoy â⬠Cojuangco Aquino III He is a politician. He passed house measures like HB 4251. This grants the one-year productiveness inducements to all workers in private sectors. The HB 4397 strengthens the power of the Department of trade and Industry ( DTI ) . Aquino ââ¬Ës running mate is Manuel ââ¬Å" Mar â⬠Araneta Roxas II, an economic expert and politician. Mar ââ¬Ës protagonism includes the rights of every Filipino to low-cost medical specialties. He besides authored the Roxas Law ( Republic Act No. 7880 ) which ensures just distribution of the instruction capital budget among all the states. How to cite About Some Of Materials And Others Architecture Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Native American Tribes Project free essay sample
Similarities between both tribes A. Both tribes at first were called Seminole and were part of Creek Nation ND both primarily spoke in Microscope B. They are both related by their culture but far from similar in their political views. C. In 1813-1814 Seminole in Alabama fought back against the whites (Euro-Americans) and other Creek nations siding with the whites which started the Creek War and lead survivors into Florida and migrating westward into what is now known as Oklahoma 1. 832 the Panes Landing treaty was signed to allow Seminole to build a reservation in Oklahoma along with compensation for each tribal member a) 10,OHO/Month D. In 1 830 is when the Trails of Tears was derived following the Indian Removal Act 1 . The Seminole where then forced to migrate west of the Mississippi river even after the Panes Landing treaty was signed. E. Between 1813-1858 there were 3 wars that were resulted from the Creek War because the Seminole crossed over there land and tried to fight back to avoid White Control 1 . We will write a custom essay sample on Native American Tribes Project or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These were known as the First Seminole war, Second Seminole war, and the Third Seminole war, they were then forced to surrender after the third war and were forced back into the Indian territories. F. By 1913 there were 18 reservations in Florida, but the Indians in Arid eve split up into 2 different tribes focusing on their political and cultural views. 1 . One is known as the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which are based off of more traditional views, and the other is known as the Microscope Tribe of Indians in Florida, which has sustained the Seminole culture and language. . These two tribes where built for those who refused to sign a treaty to live on Indian Territory west of the Mississippi river. G. Both tribes are currently still living under the Macomb Truce which means they are just settling in an area until they can come to an agreement with the IIS II. Seminole Tribe of Florida A. The name Seminole means runaway or wild men B. Seminole are considered the Upper Creeks C. They diverse themselves between 2 different languages: Muskeg (Creek) and Microscope 1.Like I said above In South Florida most Seminole speak Microscope D. In 1 957 the Seminole government was established to deal with the business matters regarding the tribal finances and control of the members 1. The same year is when the Seminole constitution was created E. There are 3 requirements to becoming a tribal member . The first requirement is that you have to be at least 1/4 of Seminole bloodline 2. The second is that be from a single generation of a tribal member, meaning you cant have multiple clans (family). . Last is you must be sponsored by a current tribal member and be voted in by the tribal council IV. Microscope Tribe of Indians in Florida A. Microscope Indians are known as the Lower Creeks B. They separated themselves to concentrate more on the Indian tradition. 1. Art work, Clothing and Jewelry C. While they were forced to migrate west, about 500 people hid in the everglades and later became what we know now as Microscope Indians 1 . To them the everglades is known as the River of Grass 2. Because they have resided so long in the everglades they call to it their homeland and refer to it as Kathleen it means the light of the grassy waters D. There are currently 4 different Microscope reservations in the state of Florida: Tamaki Trail, Alligator Alley, Groom Eve, and US 41. 1. The biggest reservation is the one on Groom Eve E. Microscope requirements are almost similar to that of Seminole but the bloodline amounts are slightly different.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
What Are AP Exams and Tests
What Are AP Exams and Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips AP Tests may seem like intimidating obstacles, but if youââ¬â¢ve done well in the corresponding AP classes, you shouldnââ¬â¢t have too much trouble earning a high score. Good AP Test scores can help you in the college admissions process and may evenearn you college credits. In this article, Iââ¬â¢ll give you an overview of what AP exams are, why they matter, and how scoring works across a variety of different tests and subject areas. What Are AP Tests? Whatââ¬â¢s the Point of Taking Them? AP Tests take place at the end of AP classes, and theyââ¬â¢re used as a means of assessing how much you learned in the class and whether your experience merits college credit. You can also prepare for AP Tests independently outside of the course if you don't feel totally comfortable with the material after going over it in class. Essentially, AP Tests are a standardized way of validating your course record.Theyââ¬â¢re a measure used to control for poorly taught AP classes where students earn As but donââ¬â¢t actually know the material. Although AP curriculum is supposed to be consistent at every school, teachers have a lot of freedom in how they teach the subject and grade the class.AP Tests help to ensure that students have actually learned and absorbed the information and deserve the appropriate credit. You can earn college creditsfor high AP Test scores at most schools, and your scores may also help you to place out of introductory classes.Doing well on AP tests can mean finishing college early or avoiding college classes in subjects that are repetitive for you.In the next section, Iââ¬â¢ll get into more specifics about the grading scale for AP tests and how some of the most popular tests are structured. Ugh, I wish I could skip Coloring 101. I already know all of this stuff, and I haven't even thought about eating any of the crayons. What Does the Grading Scale and Format Look Like on Different AP Exams? There are some consistencies in scoring and format throughout all AP exams, but there are also big differences in the times and score percentages devoted to certain types of questions across different tests.Iââ¬â¢ll give you some overall information about the grading scale and then provide details about the specific formats of tests in various subject areas. Overall Facts AP exams are scored on a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest score and 1 being the lowest.This is how the College Board defines each score: 5 = extremely well qualified 4 = well qualified3 = qualified2 = possibly qualified1 = no recommendation ââ¬Å"Qualifiedâ⬠indicates that youââ¬â¢re capable of doing the equivalent of the work required for a college-level introductory course in the AP subject.Most colleges will give credit for students scoring a 4s or 5s on AP tests, and some will even give credit for 3s. This can vary depending on the test. On an AP test that's considered more difficult, you might get credit for a 3. On a less challenging test, you might need to score a 5 to earn college credit. Every AP exam has a multiple choice section, which is scored by computer, and a free response or essay section, which is scored by college professors and AP teachers.On multiple choice, there are no point deductions for incorrect answers. (This is a recent policy change in line with the new SAT, which has also done away with point deductions.) Scores on the two sections of AP Tests are combined to form your composite score on a scale of 1 to 5. One thing you should keep in mind about AP test scores is that you donââ¬â¢t need to get everything right on the test to get a 5 or a ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠score.Itââ¬â¢s not like the SAT, where messing up on one question can crush your dreams of an 800.Scaling is different for each exam, but in general even if you only get 70% of the questions correct, you can still end up with a 5.Read more details about how AP tests are scored here. Next, Iââ¬â¢ll give you an idea of the specific structures of AP exams in different subjects so that youââ¬â¢ll know what to expect. Your pencil will be thrilled to spend more time with you on the free response sections of AP Tests. It doesn't know that its feelings may not be reciprocated. Science and Math APs AP Biology The AP Biology exam is three hours long in total.It is also divided into two sections, the first of which consists of a multiple choice portion and a very short grid-in portion.You will have to answer 63 multiple choice questions and six grid-in questions in 90 minutes.The grid-in questions are essentially short answer math and science problems; you will need to calculate the answers and enter them into a grid on your answer sheet. The second section of the test is also 90 minutes long and consists of eight open response questions (six short response and two long response).Each section on the AP Biology exam is worth 50% of your score. AP Chemistry The AP Chemistry exam is three hours and 15 minutes long.The multiple choice section has 60 questions and is 90 minutes long.The free response section has seven questions, four short response and three long response, and it is an hour and 45 minutes long. Like on AP Biology, each section is worth 50% of your score. AP Calculus BC The AP Calculus BC exam is three hours and 15 minutes long. The multiple choice section consists of 45 questions divided into calculator and no calculator sections that last an hour and 45 minutes total. The free response section consists of six questions lasting an hour and 30 minutes, also divided into calculator and no calculator sections. Your calculator won't be there to support you on every section of the AP Calculus exam. But don't worry, it always has you in its thoughts. Social Studies APs AP Psychology The AP Psychology exam is a bit shorter than most of the other AP Tests, clocking in at just two hours total.The multiple choice section consists of 100 questions answered over the course of 70 minutes. This section makes up two thirds of your score.The free response section consists of two questions to be answered in 50 minutes. This section makes up the remaining third of your score. AP US History The AP US History exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long in total.It is divided into two sections, the first of which consists of a multiple choice portion and a short answer portion.The multiple choice portion contains 55 questions and is 55 minutes long. This is worth 40% of your total score.The short answer portion contains four questions and is 50 minutes long. This is worth 20% of your total score. The second section of the test consists of two longer open response questions.First is the document-based question (so called because your answer will require you to consult a certain primary source document) for which you are given 55 minutes. This is worth 25% of your total score.You will also have to answer one of two long essay questions for which you are given 35 minutes. This question is worth 15% of your total score. The AP US History exam will take you on a wild ride through the meandering underground streets of this country's past. If you're a thrill seeker, oh boy, look forward to this one! Language and Literature APs AP English Literature and Composition The AP English test is three hours long. The multiple choice section has 55 questions and lasts an hour. The free response section has three questions and lasts for two hours. The multiple choice section of the test is worth 45% of your score, and the free response section is worth 55% of your score. AP Spanish Language and Culture This exam is three hours long. The multiple choice section consists of two parts and is 95 minutes long. You'll answer questions about Spanish texts on the first part and audio recordings on the second part. The free response consists of four parts and is 85 minutes long. You will be asked to write an email reply and a persuasive essay. You will also have to respond to conversational prompts in Spanish and do a mini-presentation on a cultural topic in Spanish. The multiple choice and free response sections are each worth 50% of your score. That's right, for language AP tests you'll have to actually speak the language. I was shocked as well. Art APs AP Music Theory The AP Music Theory test is two hours and 40 minutes long. The multiple choice section consists of 75 questions divided into two sections, one of which relies on auditory cues and one that is non-auditory. The whole section is 80 minutes long and makes up 45% of your score. The free response section consists of seven written exercises (70 minutes total) and two sight-singing exercises (10 minutes total). These two sections make up the other 55% of your score. AP Art History This exam is three hours long in total. The multiple choice section is an hour long and has 80 questions. The free response section takes up the remaining two hours. It has two 30-minute essay questions and four 15-minute essay questions. The multiple choice and free response sections each make up 50% of your score. I don't understand how people made incredibly complex sculptures like this, but if you take AP Art History, you might find out. Conclusion So what are AP exams, overall? AP examsassess your knowledge of AP course material and determine whether you are qualified to test out of similar introductory courses in college.A high score on an AP Test indicates that you are capable of working at the college level in the subject.The highest score you can earn on an AP Test is a 5, and the lowest is a 1; most schools will accept 4s and 5s (sometimes even 3s) as scores worthy of college credit.All AP Tests have both multiple choice and free response sections, but they are structured differently and may be different lengths depending on the subject. Keep in mind that AP Tests and classes may or may not be good choices for you based on your academic track record in high school and goals for college. You can read more about which AP classes (if any) you should take in this article.Your ideal AP courses and exams will vary depending on the type of student you are. You shouldn't force yourself to take classes that will drag down your GPA or that don't interest you just for the sake of earning more AP credit. If you know you'll be taking some AP courses, try to familiarize yourself with the format and timing of the corresponding tests before the end of the school year.Taking practice tests and doing sample questions will help you get accustomed to the way the tests work and enable you to earn college credit! What's Next? You may be wondering when the AP Tests are offered so that you can plan ahead. Here's a list of AP Test dates for 2016. Which AP Tests are more difficult? That can depend on your strengths as a student, but there are certain tests that are notorious for being especially cahllengin. Read more about the hardest AP Tests here. Does your school offer AP and IB? Are you curious about the differences between the two? Take a look at this article to learn whether AP or IB will be a better fit for your needs. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Quotes From the Movie V for Vendetta
Quotes From the Movie 'V for Vendetta' V for Vendetta is set in the near future in London, which has become a police state. The main character, V, fights the oppressors in his world. He aims to spreadà bitter destruction and toà annihilate the government. When V rescues Evey Hammond, he gains an ally to help in his mission. Throughout the film, the characters, including imprisoned Valerie, look for freedom from their dystopian universe. These V for Vendetta ââ¬â¹movie quotes bring out feelings of torment, helplessness, violence, and hope. V The past cant hurt you anymore, unless you let it. A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Valerie It seems strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had rosesà and apologized to no one. I remember how different became dangerous. Id only told them the truth. Was that so selfish? Our integrity sells for so little, but its all that we really have. It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch, we are free. What I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you. I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one. An inch. Its small and its fragile and its the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us.à I hope that whoever you are, you escape this place. I hope that the world turns and that things get better. Evey Hammond He was Edmond Dantes. And he was my father, and my mother, my brother, my friend. He was you and me. He was all of us. Because he was right. This country needs more than a building right now. It needs hope. My father was a writer. You wouldveà liked him. He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up. Bishop Lilliman It wasnt labor that I was speaking of, but rather my final remittance. My last little joy. Delia Surridge Oppenheimer was able to change more than the course of a war. He changed the entire course of human history. Is it wrong to hold on to that kind of hope? Creedy Whatcha gonna do, uh? Weve swept this place, youve got nothing. Nothing but your bloody knives and your fancy karate gimmicks, we have guns. Finch The problem is, he knows us better than we know ourselves. Deitrich You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Manhattan New School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Manhattan New School - Essay Example School's professional teachers are hired from Bank Street College of Education, Columbia University Teachers College, New York University and Fordham University. Manhattan New School resides in the heart of Manhattan in the former PS190, which was built in 1903 (About School, Manhattan New School). According to Karen Ruzzo, school's principal, "We pride ourselves at being a highly literate community, and we also understand our responsibility to prepare students to cope with the multiple demands of an ever-changing society. As a result, children learn within real-world contexts. Along with reading and writing, instructions in mathematics, science, social studies, technology, music and art engage young learners in meaningful explorations that develop critical thinking skills" (Karen Ruzzo, Mission Statement). School's vision is to grow in the near future as a role model organization for the greater national cause, while providing the students with the opportunity to investigate a range of big ideas, to ask and answer important questions, and to develop the self-management strategies that enable them to negotiate their daily life. This shows that the school's vision is broadly based and its process creates a commitment to lifelong learning. The Manhattan New School's goals include, committing to ensure that all students benefit from a shared educational experience, and continuing to develop strategies to ensure school-wide collaboration, continuity and accountability. Although all goals direct school towards its future vision, the later set certainly is very vital for its long-term vision's success. The school's objectives for its strategies to attain its long-term vision are to establish continuity of instruction both on and across grade levels, and aligning best instructional practices in all curriculum areas with positive performance outcomes for all students. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Recognition of programs and vision Empirical and interdisciplinary education, and opportunities for student leadership development Recognized educational activities with active community outreach Significant and ongoing faculty and alumni involvement at intermediate level Small classes Extraordinary emphasis on personal attention Friendly, supportive, and comfortable in-house environment Integration of technology into the curriculum Classes primarily taught by professionals incorporation of ecological sustainability due to diversified culture Early adoption Attractive campus building and facilities while having state of the art architecture Weaknesses Lower than optimal enrollment of out-of-state and international students Insufficient diversity among students and teachers Low ratio of spending per student Average class size increasing everyday Limited school capacity Not enough programs for extra curricular activities Too many language courses Opportunities Government's importance for schools playing a larger role in community development Higher market share due to increasing population and awareness Capacity to respond for future growth Capacity to help improve intermediate education Increased demand for professional and diversified education Increasing flow of funding Greater expertise in the use of technology in teaching Access to all parts of New York City Threats Lack of sufficient funding Replica of academic programs by
Monday, February 3, 2020
Leadership Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Leadership Theory - Essay Example This research aims to evaluate and present moral accountability as oneââ¬â¢s ability to decide what is good and what is wicked. For organizations, it is their rules and regulations, strategies and policies and actions of management, which demonstrate that whether the organization is on the path of morality or not. British Petroleum like many other organizations has several issues regarding Moral Accountability that deteriorate their reputation and weaken the trust of their employees. One most important issue pointing out low moral accountability in British Petroleum is the killing of eleven workers and churn out of more than four million barrels of oil from Macondo well into the sea. This happened because of crash of various processes and equipments, which the experts did not maintain and investigate earlier. If they had done so, the consequences would not be that precarious. Another problem was stoppages of key disconnect system, which could have stopped the flow of oil, but unfo rtunately it did not work due to outburst and blowout preventer did not receive the signals. In addition, the automatic closure system also did not work which created a big question on the upholding and testing of blowout preventer technology. BP furthermore experienced disappointment from its remote operated vehicles, which should have worked on shear rams to close up the pipes of oil. The reason for this failure also remains a mystery. All these machinery problems are not merely results of technology failure but real causes must be the people who had the duty of taking care of all the machines responsible for saving human lives in danger (Walsh, n.p, 2010). However, they did not consider themselves accountable for loss of human lives, which resulted in this incident. This shows that British Petroleum did not have strict rules and regulations pertinent to taking care of emergency machines and systems, indicating less accountability for moral issues. Impacts of Low Moral Accountabil ity in British Petroleum Now, the important matter is that what influences a rig operator will have after the occurrence of such big destruction. Undoubtedly, he would not like to work at such a perilous place because he must have lost his trust in the technology and take a long time to recover from this dilemma (Bower & Gilbert, pp. 427-428, 2005). It would be very difficult for him to get his trust back and start working at British Petroleum or any other organization having same technologies or procedures. Another major accountability problem of British Petroleum is the decreasing value of its shares. If a person has invested a huge amount in shares of British Petroleum that he has a major income stream from its shares, then he is going to be in a great danger because after the accident of oil, the value of its shares has decreased 39 percent. People invested in shares of British Petroleum have long lasting impacts of this incident because they invested almost half of their saving s, which no more remained savings. In this way, British Petroleum lost the trust of many retirees of UK and became injurious for their invested money. Moral Accountabil
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Health Inequalities and Human Rights in New Zealand
Health Inequalities and Human Rights in New Zealand Health inequalities preventable by reasonable ways are not fair, and in health are indicators of distributional imbalance. Worldwide people experience different social conditions that result in manageable differences in health, well-being, quality and length of life. The health system can help in establishing a fairer society and ensuring a fairer distribution of health resources. However, this needs a universal commitment of all people within the health system, including those responsible for policy, resource distribution, service provision and evaluation, hence; attempts to address health and social equity are evident in legislations formulated and implemented by the government. Like other countries, New Zealand legislations safeguard the right to health of its people. Of these legislations, the most significant is New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, which establishes a framework for the delivery of personal and public health and disability support services. PHDA sets strategic objective and goals for health and disability services to improve health and disability outcomes for New Zealanders, to minimise inequities by improving the health ofMaoriand other population groups, to facilitate community participation in personal health, public health, and disability support services and to facilitate access, and the distribution of information for the delivery of health and disability services. Health Act 1956 embodies provisions for environmental health, infectious diseases, health emergencies, and the national cervical screening programme. It gives the Ministry of Health the function of improving, promoting and protecting public health.[1] Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 ensures that health practitioners are fit and competent to practice their profession to ensure the publicââ¬â¢s safety. As stated by the Ministry of Health, ââ¬Å"The right to health is further protected by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (BoRA) (which applies to discrimination in the public sector); and the Human Rights Act 1993 (HRA) (which applies to the private sector); the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 (HDC) (which provides a complaints system to deal with issues of informed consent, the rights of consumers and the duties and obligations of health care providers identified in aCode of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights); and the Privacy Act 1993 (which, together with the Health Information Privacy Code 1994, protects individuals privacy).â⬠[2] New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 It is commonly called as ââ¬Å"The Bill of Rightsâ⬠. It protects people from violations of their civil and political rights by the government, other public bodies and officials. Moreover, it reflects New Zealandââ¬â¢s commitment to the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on which the rights and freedom it covers are based. The Act protects a wide range of rights grouped into the following categories: Life and security rights Democratic and civil right Non-discrimination and minority rights Search, arrest and detention rights Criminal procedure rights Justice rights Non-discrimination rights refers to the freedom from discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds of discrimination included in the Human Rights Act 1993 Human Rights Act 1993 The Act aims to protect an individualââ¬â¢s human rights and seeks to do this in line with various United Nations conventions and covenants on human rights. It states that it is unlawful to discriminate against an individual because of personal characteristics. The act also provides a number of exemptions that allow discrimination when it would otherwise be unlawful under the Act. The rules in the Human Rights Act apply to discrimination by private organizations and individuals. On the other hand, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 covers the discrimination by the government and other public bodies. Consumers of any health or disability services are protected by rights contained in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumersââ¬â¢ Rights. Codes of Rights are as follows: Right 1: Respect- the right to be treated with respect (privacy, needs, values and beliefs. Right 2: Fair treatment ââ¬â the right to be free from discrimination, coercion, harassment and sexual, financial or other exploitation at all times. Right 3: Dignity and Independence- the right to services rendered in such a way that respects their dignity and promotes independence. Right 4: Service of proper standard- consumers have the right to have services with reasonable care and skill, meet legal professional, ethical and other relevant standards, in correspondence to their needs and ensure minimization of potential harm and maximizes quality of life Right 5: Effective communication- the right to be given information on their health in a way the consumer comprehends, if needed, he must be provided with an interpreter Right 6: To be fully informed- to be fully aware of their situation or condition, to be given with sufficient information to make an informed choice Right 7: Informed choices and informed consent- consumers can only be given services if they have made an informed choice and informed consent unless there are reasonable grounds to believe they are not competent, also includes the right to withdraw at any time Right 8: Right to support- consumers have the right to have a support person or people with them when they are receiving services provided it is safe and will not unreasonably affect another consumerââ¬â¢s rights Right 9: Teaching and research- consumers are to be informed and have the right to refuse when subjected to research or studies Right 10: Right to complain- consumers have the right to complain, may it be about the healthcare provider or organization. Health Information Privacy Code 1994 The code sets down specific policies that health professionals must follow when collecting information from consumers and when they can release information to other people. It also specifically enables consumers to have access to their own health information. Health professionals must collect health information directly from the consumer, not from other people, unless the consumer is deemed not to be competent to provide information. Furthermore, information must be gathered in a manner that is fair and does not unreasonably intrude to their personal affairs. Generally, heath professionals cannot divulge a consumerââ¬â¢s health information to others unless doing so puts the consumer or another personââ¬â¢s safety and wellbeing at imminent danger.[3] REFERENCES: (2013).Community Law Manual: A practical guide to everyday New Zealand law. Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley New Zealand Ministry of Health. Retrieved 15 June 2014 http://www.health.govt.nz/new-zealand-health-system/overview-health-system/statutory-framework Human Rights Commission. Retrieved 15 June 2014 http://www.hrc.co.nz/report/chapters/chapter14/health01.html [1] New Zealand Ministry of Health. Retrieved 15 June 2014 http://www.health.govt.nz/new-zealand-health-system/overview-health-system/statutory-framework [2] Human Rights Commission. Retrieved 15 June 2014 http://www.hrc.co.nz/report/chapters/chapter14/health01.html [3] (2013).Community Law Manual: A practical guide to everyday New Zealand law. Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley
Friday, January 17, 2020
Social Evils Poverty and Health
Poverty is one of the most important social evils and a major determinant of ill health (1). From time it is known that poor social status is a major determinant of disease and reduces longevity in a big way. The Charaka Samhita recognized that community structure and functioning was an important cause of disease in individuals. The association of individual illness causing community disturbances and poverty and vice versa was noted (2). Health status is strongly determined by socio-economic positions and a large body of literature from developed ountries demonstrates that most causes of deaths occur at a greater rate in groups with lower socio-economic status (3). Pathways from adverse social circumstances to ill health are then discussed and some suggestions are made for eliminating these social evils. The Global Burden of Diseases Study reported major causes of mortality, disease burden and risk factors in various parts of the world (4). In developing countries, infections of respiratory tract, HIV/AIDS, diarreah, tuberculosis, and malaria have emerged as important causes. The reliability of mortality ata has been questioned in terms of medical classification of deaths as a large number of deaths are recorded as proof and old age. Globally, the important causes were lower respiratory infections, AIDS, heart disease, and malaria. Indian National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (9) has reported that communicable diseases, maternal conditions as well as non- communicable diseases which are major causes of disease burden. The Second Global Burden of Diseases Study (4) quantified more than twenty health risk factors that influence health of populations. Major risk factors identified were childhood and maternal undernutrition leading to childhood and maternal underweight. , iron deficiency, anaemia, vitamin A deficiency and zinc deficiency. There was a difference in risk factors causing disease burden or mortality. Social circumstances and poverty are the major determinants of all these factors. A social problem is defined as a situation confronting a group or a section of society which inflicts injurious consequences that can be handled only properly (11). There are a number of social problems in India (11). These have been identified as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, population explosion, communalism, youth unrest, violence against women, crime and criminals, alcoholism, terrorism, corruption, and more recently, overweight/obesity in the urban subjects coupled with changing lifestyles. Multiple efforts to accurately identify social determinants of health have been performed and some efforts have evolved recently. Social determinants of health were enumerated by Marmot and others at the Solid Facts Program of the World Health Organization (12). The factors identified were social rganization, early life events, life-course social gradient, high unemployment rates, psychological work envoronment, transport, social support, cohesion, food, poverty, and social exclusion. All of these factors are classified as social evils that directly influence health. Because non-communicable diseases are major health issues in Europe and other developed countries, these factors reveal only half the story. For example, illiteracy and low educational status is a major disease risk factor but not part of the WHO agenda as this is not as serious f a problem as it is in Europe (3). A major development to address various social issues and poverty was the landmark United Nations Millennium Declaration in the year 2000 by various Heads of States and governments. The declaration articulated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which include specific targets for social engineering to bring about equitable prosperity and health (13). These specific targets include poverty reduction, increasing primary education, promoting gender equality, and development of a global partnership for an even bigger development.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Snowflake Chemistry - Common Questions
Have you ever looked at a snowflake and wondered how it formed or why it looks different from other snow you might have seen? Snowflakes are a particular form of water ice. Snowflakes form in clouds, which consist of water vapor. When the temperature is 32à ° F (0à ° C) or colder, water changes from its liquid form into ice. Several factors affect snowflake formation. Temperature, air currents, and humidity all influence shape and size. Dirt and dust particles can get mixed up in the water and affect crystal weight and durability. The dirt particles make the snowflake heavierà and can cause cracks and breaks in the crystal and make it easier to melt. Snowflake formation is a dynamic process. A snowflake may encounter many different environmental conditions, sometimes melting it, sometimes causing growth, always changing its structure. Key Takeaways: Snowflake Questions Snowflakes are water crystals that fall as precipitation when its cold outside. However, sometimes snow falls when its slightly above the freezing point of water and other times freezing rain falls when the temperature is below freezing.Snowflakes come in a variety of shapes. The shape depends on the temperature.Two snowflakes can look identical to the naked eye, but they will be different on the molecular level.Snow looks white because the flakes scatter light. In dim light, snow appears pale blue, which is the color of a large volume of water. What Are Common Snowflake Shapes? Generally, six-sided hexagonal crystals are shaped in high clouds; needles or flat six-sided crystals are shaped in middle height clouds, and a wide variety of six-sided shapes are formed in low clouds. Colder temperatures produce snowflakes with sharper tips on the sides of the crystals and may lead to branching of the snowflake arms (dendrites). Snowflakes that grow under warmer conditions grow more slowly, resulting in smoother, less intricate shapes. 32-25à ° F - Thin hexagonal plates25-21à ° F - Needles21-14à ° F - Hollow columns14-10à ° F - Sector plates (hexagons with indentations)10-3à ° F - Dendrites (lacy hexagonal shapes) The shape of a snowflake depends on the temperature at which it formed. 221A / Getty Images Why Are Snowflakes Symmetrical (Same on All Sides)? First, not all snowflakes are the same on all sides. Uneven temperatures, presence of dirt, and other factors may cause a snowflake to be lop-sided. Yet it is true that many snowflakes are symmetrical and intricate. This is because a snowflakes shape reflects the internal order of the water molecules. Water molecules in the solid state, such as in ice and snow, form weak bonds (called hydrogen bonds) with one another. These ordered arrangements result in the symmetrical, hexagonal shape of the snowflake. During crystallization, the water molecules align themselves to maximize attractive forces and minimize repulsive forces. Consequently, water molecules arrange themselves in predetermined spaces and in a specific arrangement. Water molecules simply arrange themselves to fit the spaces and maintain symmetry. Is It True that No Two Snowflakes Are Identical? Yes and no. No two snowflakes are exactly identical, down to the precise number of water molecules, spin of electrons, isotope abundance of hydrogen and oxygen, etc. On the other hand, it is possible for two snowflakes to look exactly alike and any given snowflake probably has had a good match at some point in history. Since so many factors affect the structure of a snowflake and since a snowflakes structure is constantly changing in response to environmental conditions, it is improbable that anyone would see two identical snowflakes. If Water and Ice Are Clear, then Why Does Snow Look White? The short answer is that snowflakes have so many light-reflecting surfaces they scatter the light into all of its colors, so snow appears white. The longer answer has to do with the way the human eye perceives color. Even though the light source might not be truly white light (e.g., sunlight, fluorescent, and incandescent all have a particular color), the human brain compensates for a light source. Thus, even though sunlight is yellow and scattered light from snow is yellow, the brain sees snow as white because the whole picture received by the brain has a yellow tint that is automatically subtracted. Sources Bailey, M.; John Hallett, J. (2004). Growth rates and habits of ice crystals between âËâ20 and âËâ70C. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 61 (5): 514ââ¬â544. doi:10.1175/1520-0469(2004)0610514:GRAHOI2.0.CO;2 Klesius, M. (2007). The Mystery of Snowflakes. National Geographic. 211 (1): 20. ISSN 0027-9358 Knight, C.; Knight, N. (1973). Snow Crystals. Scientific American, vol. 228, no. 1, pp. 100-107. Smalley, I.J. Symmetry of Snow Crystals. Nature 198, Springer Nature Publishing AG, June 15, 1963.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Role Of Childrens Development And Experiences
Introduction What are the most significant aspects of childrenââ¬â¢s development and experiences that contribute to their longer-term well-being? Introduction This essay will look at the most significant aspects of childrenââ¬â¢s development and experiences that contribute to their longer term well-being. This will include attachment, identity representation emotion and communication. The term well-being is ambiguous, Allin (2007) stated ââ¬ËThere is no single definition for Well beingââ¬â¢ however it is generally understood to be a reflection upon the quality of peoples lives. Statham and Chase, (2010) suggest wellbeing as a dynamic state that is enhanced when people fulfil their personal and social goals, relating to objective measures, including household income, educational resources and health status together with subjective indicators including happiness, perceptions of quality of life and life satisfaction. The Guardian article ââ¬ËEmotonal Health in Childhood ââ¬Ëis the key to future happinessââ¬â¢ (Doward 2014) presents a simplified version of the evidence from the research paper, What predicts a successful life? Life-course model of well beingââ¬â¢ (Layard et al., 2014) however, the article contains incorrect information including the size of the study, and who conduce the original study. The article focuses only on the points which enhance the writers point of view. One claim the article makes is that Layard (2014) says that satisfaction levels in an adult are moreShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Parent Child Separation On The Middle School Children With Parental Migrations754 Words à |à 4 Pagesdifference for childrenââ¬â¢s psychosocial development. The current study provided evidence in research to examine the psychosocial health for middle school children with parental migrations conducted in the U.S. Moreover, the current study could contribute some evidence to the literature on the specific role of parental migration as a factor of parent-child separation on childrenââ¬â¢s psychosocial development. The results of the current study could be compared with studies of childrenââ¬â¢s psychosocial problemsRead MoreBenefits of Learining through Play1325 Words à |à 5 Pageswhat play is. It is difficult to define exactly what play is. Play can vary amongst different types of activities, social contexts, and also age groups. Free, imaginative play is vital for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. Play is important for childrenââ¬â¢s learning as it helps them to become socially adept, managing with stress and developing cognitive skills such as problem solving. Through play children explore social, material and imaginary worlds and their relationship with themRead MoreEarly Childhood Education Is The Most Rapid Period Of Development960 Words à |à 4 PagesAfter doing a little research I have come to the conclusion that Early Childhood Education is the most rapid period of development in a human brain. The years from conception through birth to eight years of age critical to the complete and healthy cognitive, emotional and physical growth of children. The brain is part of the central nervous system, and plays a decisive role in controlling many bodily functions, including both voluntary activities such as walking or speaking and involuntary onesRead MorePlay At The Center Of The Curriculum Essay1651 Words à |à 7 Pagesimportance of different types of outdoor play such as physically active outdoor play, outdoor nature play, and child-initiated outdoor play. Physically active outdoor play contributes to childrenââ¬â¢s healthy development because it fosters children physical development including a childââ¬â¢s whole body in practice and skill development. For example, children will run, balance, jump, hop, skip, gallop, walk, climb, swing, skip, throw, catch, grasp, crawl, push, and pull heavy play props. While playing outside, childrenRead MoreOp 2.171607 Words à |à 7 Pagessupport of childrenââ¬â¢s creative development 1. Describe why creative development is important to childrenââ¬â¢s learning Childrenââ¬â¢s creativity must be extended by the provision of support for their curiosity, exploration and play. They must be provided with opportunities to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings, for example, through a variety of art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-play activities, mathematics, and design and technology. What Creative Development means forRead MorePlay At The Center Of The Curriculum Essay1687 Words à |à 7 Pagesimportance of different types of outdoor play such as physically active outdoor play, outdoor nature play, and child-initiated outdoor play. Physically active outdoor play contributes to childrenââ¬â¢s healthy development because it fosters children physical development, including a childââ¬â¢s whole body in practice and skill development. For example, children will run, balance, jump, hop, skip, gallop, walk, climb, swing, skip, throw, catch, grasp, crawl, push, and pull heavy play props. While playing outside, childrenRead MoreUnit 6788 Words à |à 3 Pagesï » ¿Unit 6: Supporting childrenââ¬â¢s play 1. Understand the play environment 1.1. Explain what is meant by the play environment The play environment is the provision that is made foe children in which they can learn, play and relax. It encompasses both the physical environment (such as the layout, equipment and furniture) and the ââ¬Å"emotionalâ⬠environment (the atmosphere, or ambience that is created). 1.2. Explain how the environment supports play. Play doesnââ¬â¢t just happen. It is true that babies andRead MoreLearning and Early Childhood1114 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe 12 principals and the 4 themes of Aistear. Findings: Early childhood is a time of great opportunity for learning and development. In these early years children learn through love, trusting and respectful relationships and through discussion, exploration and play. Aistear celebrates early childhood as a time of being, and of enjoying and learning from experiences as they unfold. This early learning lays important foundations for later learning. Aistear is the curriculum framework for childrenRead MoreHow Stressful Life Experiences Affect A Child s Emotional Development Essay1655 Words à |à 7 Pagessubject of how stressful life experiences can affect a childââ¬â¢s emotional development, what role the schools play in a childââ¬â¢s emotional development and how there is a need for the Department of Education to commission a sector body to develop a framework of core content for initial teacher training (ITT), which should include child and adolescent development. A childââ¬â¢s emotional development is a complex, multifaceted process and one which many interaction partners play a role. To teach effectively,Read MoreCognitive Development During Early Childhood Development1252 Words à |à 6 PagesCognitive Development Children of involved fathers are also more likely to live in cognitively encouraging homes. Cognitive Development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology, focusing on a childrenââ¬â¢s development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of brain development and cognitive psychology compared to an adultââ¬â¢s point of view(Schacter, Daniel L, 2009). Even a childââ¬â¢s cognitive development during early childhood
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